
When you go shopping for electricals for your new home/refurbished home, you usually rely on the shopkeeper’s recommendation and you yourself don’t know which are the best electrical brands that you should go for to buy your electrical accessories.

Here you are totally in the hands of the seller who either can turn out to be a good guy who will genuinely recommend you the best or the situation can be, well, otherwise.

Many brands also try to use clever advertising techniques to create a perception in the mind of their audience that they are the best but the reality is often disappointing.

In this modern era. The consumer has become smart and they have realized how to differentiate between the right claim and a misleading advertisement.

A brand that has a good product will never spend an exorbitant amount of money on marketing. Good brands spend more on product development and R&D rather than marketing.

Nonetheless, there are more ways to figure out and choose the best electrical brands, and this post will lay out more tips for you on how to differentiate for best electrical switches brands.

How to choose the best electrical switches brand: When you are planning or setting up your home, there are a lot of things to consider while buying switches. As a consumer, you should know these things before you go out looking for switches.

  • Quality of the material: This is the most important thing for you as an interested buyer to look for when buying switches. Make sure the quality of the material is just as same as marketed by the company. Moreover, interested buyers also would want to make sure that the material used is fire and shock resistant/retardant. Many modern electrical switch brands (like us 🙂) make their switches fire and shock-resistant.
  • Connectivity and ease of access: As an interested buyer, you should also make sure that switches of a particular brand offer multiple pin-types, just in case you don’t need to buy extra adapters or extensions.
  • Child Safe: Child safety is another important factor that you should check for when buying electrical switches. A good electrical switch brand will provide child-safe switches that have retractable shutter mechanisms, just in case the child in the house is exploring the world with fingers
  • Repair & Replacement: Conventional switches are hard to repair because replacing a faulty switch can’t be replaced until the entire faceplate is unscrewed and taken out. Modern modular switches are easy to repair and replace as they come with a front-removal feature which helps in quick installation and removing the plates.
  • Designs: This one goes without a saying. Make sure that you are getting a variety to choose from. Good electrical switch brands always work on creating an array of designs for distinct tastes amongst different buyers.

These are the 5 factors that you should assess in any electrical switch brand before you make a shopping decision. And, Simon is one of the best electrical brands that work more on creating the best product rather than spending more on advertising a mediocre product. Not only Simon switches fulfill the criteria mentioned above but Simon switches have also been awarded for both, their sheer beauty, safety, and tough quality.

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